♥ 271211 Dear

Happy Birthday my cute and cuddly Dear ! 

The school holidays are here and u celebrated in Taiwan 
so it's sorta suck-ish that we didn't get to spend it together D:
Meh why would you care , you got your lao gong already don't need me geh :P

Anyways I bought your present (like I promised) and I can't wait to see the look on your face when I give it to you :3

I know this post is probably gonna seem cheesy when you read it but I've got nothing better to talk about :3
Remember how we first met ? It was on Facebook and I was the one to make the first move :D
We started knowing each other because of coughyouknowwhocough and now we're BEST BUDS <3

It's been about 3 or 4 months (?) since we knew each other and you're like the sister I never had (cheesy~) :D
You were the first to read and follow this blog and for that I am grateful (cheesy~) :)
I know we might have some ups and downs (for that stupid youknowwho) ... (cheesy~)
But our ups dominate our downs ! And I hope you find your prince charming soon (cheesy~) :D

You're cute and cuddly and bubbly and annoying at the same time I'm surprised how well you can manage yourself :3
Your grades are good and you're pretty and popular and .. geez I kinda hate you :/
LOL JK JK you know I love you to bits and would never turn on you ! :D

I know we might not have known each other for THAT long , but you are important to me :D
I may not be important to you but I hope you know how important you are to me :)

I doubt you will see this post , but if you did , Happy Birthday and ILY ! ♥